Personal Narrative
Personal Narrative
Absences due to Extra Curricular or Sports Activities
Students who miss class due to extra curricular or sports activities are accountable for all work. It is the students’ responsibility to see me regarding missed work prior to leaving campus for a game. Assignments due on days missed are still due that day, even if the student is not in class. Students must plan and take all quizzes and exams prior to leaving for the game. It is their responsibility to turn the work in to me. Late work will not be accepted.
Absences due to Extra Curricular or Sports Activities
Students who miss class due to extra curricular or sports activities are accountable for all work. It is the students’ responsibility to see me regarding missed work prior to leaving campus for a game. Assignments due on days missed are still due that day, even if the student is not in class. Students must plan and take all quizzes and exams prior to leaving for the game. It is their responsibility to turn the work in to me. Late work will not be accepted.
We are discussing "Orientation" on Tuesday when we return from spring break.
Paper #3, the personal narrative prompt is up on the class website. Rough Draft is due Day Two when we return and Final Draft is due 4/12.
A Moveable Feast will be divided in to two quizzes:
Day one: "A Good Cafe on the Place St. Michel" through "With Pascin at the Dome"
Day Two: The rest of the book.
Be sure you know names, especially of other artists, writers, etc.
Don't forget your SSR books and log for class tomorrow!
Don't forget. Go to the library this weekend!
Remember the Quiz on Day One if for Chapters 1-4; chapters 5-9 will be quizzed on day Two.
The "American Dream Essay" is up on Turnitin.com. There is no reason why you can't turn it in early. Also, remember, no excuses for printing or uploading. There are computers in my room, you just need a flash drive.
THe due date for the annotated bibliography has been extended to day one of week 8 (2/25-3/1).
Here is the Peer Review
I am uploading the Peer Review for the American Dream essay, incase any of you are absent Day one next week.
If you were absent on Friday 2/8, you will need to make up the philosophical chair activity we did in class. This make-up will only be able to be done on Thursday 2/14 at lunch in my room. Failure to attend the make-up session will result in a zero on the assignment.
The printer in my classroom is running out of ink. Plan on making other arrangements for printing your papers.