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  • All student work must be your own. Plagiarism or copying another words without citing the source is not allowed.
  • NO cheating/copying on exams, class work or homework.
  • Allowing another student to copy your work or cheat from you is not allowed and is a violation of this policy.
  • Refer to Information Folder for full academic integrity policy.
  • Middle and High School records will be maintained separately.
  • Students must adhere to any classroom practices and procedures teachers have in place to reinforce testing integrity or be subject to receiving no credit if violated.





Providing or Copying of homework or class work.

·        Zero on assignment

·        Parent Notification of after-school Detention assignment

·        Notification of Counselor


Plagiarizing or cheating on an exam or a major assignment, or purchasing assignment or paper from another student or on-line source.

·        Zero on assignment

·        Parent Notification of after-school Detention assignment

·        Notification of Counselor. 

·        Parent, student, teacher, counselor conference

·        Individualized Academic Integrity Contract signed by student and parent


Second and repeated offenses

·        Zero on assignment

·        Suspension from school (for defiance)

·        College Counselor notified

·        Parent, student, counselor, grade level administrator conference to determine additional consequences including dismissal from extra-curricular activities, elected or appointed offices, athletics, and/or 8th Grade or Senior privileges