About Us » Instructional Focus

Instructional Focus

LACES' teaching and learning are grounded in Common Core and Content Standards, data-driven, and results-oriented. Instruction is strategic and personalized through differentiation and acceleration. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that all students can achieve excellence and succeed when effective conditions are created and developed. 


Our Targeted Focus Areas are aligned with our LAUSD's Strategic Plan and determined by our: 

      • Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) goals 
      • WASC Review Critical Areas and Recommendations
      • Student Learning Outcomes - SLOs. 
      • Student need 
      • Enrichment 

All professional development is collaborative and strengthens our practice of the following researched-based strategies, which have proven to be crucial for academic success:

      • Daily communication with students about the content standards they are learning and student learning objectives/outcomes
      • Intentional instructional strategies using all modalities and intelligences for diverse and emergent learners
      • Discussion techniques and accountable talk
      • Levels of Questioning 
      • Purposeful Grouping 
      • Use of Academic Language 
      • Timely and Actionable Feedback to Students
      • Differentiation in 1) instructional delivery, 2) instructional strategies, 3) product, 4) assessment
      • Daily assessment of learning – informal/formal methods, techniques, products/assignments
      • Evidence of Problem Solving and Critical Thinking


Instructional lessons engage students and incorporate Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Integrated English Language Development strategies for Emergent Bi-Linguals (English Learners), and differentiated approaches that help our Students with Special Needs access the curriculum and advance our GATE student population.


We offer an extensive Advanced Placement program and use vertical and horizontal planning to ensure that benchmarks and goals are progressive; expectations and rigor are aligned across disciplines and grade levels.  


Technology is used regularly in instruction. Courses in computer science range from our middle school students learning to code, build a website, and video games to our Advanced Placement Computer Science course where students partner with professionals in the field to learn the most current developments. 


To balance academic rigor, we have growing Visual and Performing Arts programs and an extensive Athletic program offering multiple sports opportunities. In addition to a myriad of clubs and elective courses. To create a learning environment that nurtures the whole student and supports mental/social-emotional well-being, we use Mindfulness, Restorative Justice Circle Practice, and Social-Emotional Learning.